Go Construct – Engage’s aims were to increase knowledge of the industry amongst parents, teachers, and career advisors to ensure a better understanding of the opportunities available for the future workforce.

The project was delivered to primary and secondary schools pan-Wales who were invited to participate in a 6-8 week construction process from start to finish during after-school clubs.  The process included five stages that contributed to a ‘final product’.  Following a briefing, pupils were split into 5 groups to discuss different topics. These included product design, use of materials, cost issues, production, and evaluation.

Since it was set up the project has created a range of benefits including after-school/INSET training for teachers and parents, free teaching resources, mentoring, webinars, career days, mock interviews, site visits, and work experience.

Go Construct – Engage was a collaboration between the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), the Chartered Institute for Building (CIOB), the University of Wales Trinity St David (UWTSD), Construction Wales Innovation Centre (CWIC) and Careers Wales.

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