The Contextualised Curriculum Project (CCP) as it was originally known is a 3 year, CITB funded programme delivering a pan-Wales construction education offer targeted at Primary, Secondary and Alternative education providers. The project also enhances the current construction focussed Welsh Baccalaureate challenges.,
The education offer takes the form of a specially designed toolkit compromising of uniform, easy to read lesson plans around STEAM, Construction and PSHE subjects. Once complete these materials, which have been mapped to align with the new curriculum for Wales, will be available to anyone, via registration to the Go Construct website post January 2020.
Led by Bouygues UK the CCP Consortium was established in May 2017 and includes CITB Cymru, the University of Wales Trinity St David (UWTSD), Construction Wales Innovation Centre (CWIC), WRW Construction, Kier Construction, the Chartered Institute of Building and Careers Wales.
Learning technology company, Aspire2Be, who were commissioned to develop resources for a toolkit, have been running ‘play, craft and learn’ workshops at schools all over Wales. The resources are totally interactive and cover skills in literacy, numeracy and digital competency and are all focussed around Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths (STEAM) as well as construction.
The project is now in its pilot phase and has been re-branded Go Construct – Educate. Workshops have taken place with pilot schools and industry partners and current feedback is excellent.
For further information please contact CSR Manager