The Details

Learners will be introduced to the concept of renewable technology, and the considerations associated with their implementation in the modern world.

The main focus of the session will be on Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR), a system which circulates fresh filtered air into a building whilst retaining energy, and its importance for the future. Learners will discuss internal air quality, and there will be an opportunity to build a DIY MVHR unit.

Consideration of the different types of heat pump available will form part of the discussion.

The session will also touch on chemicals which are used in technology as part of the MVHR system ie Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocols and the tools available to calculate GHG emissions; as well as the level of coolant contained within air source heat pumps etc.

This session is led by Ian Brown, Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture, Construction and Environment.

Learning objectives

The module will introduce and define key terms such as:

  • Renewable technology
  • Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR)
  • Internal air quality
  • Heat pumps
  • Greenhouse Gases

About Ian

Construction lecturer Ian Brown is a sustainable building expert and project manager with over 25 years of experience in the construction industry. With a keen eye on the future, his interests include straw bale construction, building from waste material, and drawing inspiration from the shapes and forms of nature.

He is currently a Senior Lecturer within the construction portfolio subjects for the School of Architecture, Construction and Environment at University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD). Ian is also an active supporter of Straw Building UK (formerly Straw Bale Building UK) with particular interest in teaching students that nature can inform future design and that eco building projects are a sustainable alternative to traditional methods of construction.

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